Marine and freshwater research in Peru

International Workshop on Marine and Freshwater Research 
Universidad Nacional San Agustin, Arequipa, Peru

UNSA invited us to share with their faculty and students our experience studying aquatic macroinvertebrates and stream ecosystems.  We talked about our ongoing research on urban streams, how they have a strong potential to recover from anthropogenic impacts, and how they are functional ecosystems.  At the same time, we stressed how drought and hurricane impacts are adding complexity to the management and conservation of urban streams.   

Course on experimental design and aquatic macroinvertebrates

We also contributed to the JCIIMAC by offering a course on how design projects and analyze data.  The course focused on common research questions, experimental design, and statistical tools to analyze data.

At the same time, we collaborated with Dr. Andrea Encalada, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, in teaching a course on stream ecology.

Thanks to the organizers for their hospitality and support during our visit.  

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